Company Profile

Eura Audit Triveneto has a staff of professionals whose skills and experience allow us to offer our Clients a service that is always tailored to their changing needs. Eura Audit Triveneto is a partner of Eura Audit International, a Paris-based association of auditing firms which is ranked 16th worldwide, and which has a presence in over 250 cities in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, with a network of 800 qualified Partners. The Group's worldwide revenues are in excess of €400 million.

Eura Audit International is well known abroad, but less famous in Italy than other companies that have historically operated in the country. The group has always considered the high level of competence and professionalism of its partners to be its main selling point. The high quality standards that have always characterised Eura Audit International have been attained through a long and careful evaluation of professionals who now form part of our Auditing Firm.

Our international expertise, enriched by experience gained at a local level, enables us to have an awareness of where we are and where we're going, so that we can better decide what to do and how to go about it.

Every region in which Eura Audit International operates is the responsibility of one or more Partners, who in turn are organised into Auditing Companies and Consulting companies. The auditing standards applied are those of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC).

President: Dr. Adriano Cancellari - Vicenza 

via Degli Alpini, 21 - 36040 Torri di Quartesolo (VI)
tel. +39 0444 381912 - fax +39 0444 130118
Tax code, VAT Number, and Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza: 02710350246
Enrolled in the Legal Auditors' Register, No. 71.309 




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