Auditing Firm

The law calls for the involvement, in a supervisory role, of Auditing Firms in companies with liability limited by shares (S.p.A.).

This measure cannot be circumvented in any way if the company

• is listed on the stock exchange
• It has a widespread shareholder base or
• is required to prepare consolidated financial statements.

The choice of an auditing firm is not easy, because there is always the fear that once this new element has entered in the client company, they might offer a range of additional consultancy services, with the possible outcome of removing powers from both the Professional and the Statutory Auditors (from experience).

To avoid this risk, the task should be given to a company which, besides giving guarantees of experience and competence (not one of those kept "secret" until now), is formed by chartered accountants - auditors who are known in the territory both on a human and a professional level.

In light of these considerations, we should remember Eura Audit Triveneto Srl, Auditing and Certification Firm, duly enrolled in the Register kept by the Ministry of Justice since 1998,
• consists of 22 Chartered Accountants-Auditors, with decades of proven professional experience in the Triveneto area.
• ensures that only senior partners deal with clients, avoiding the unpleasant and frequent situations in which inexperienced young Auditors are thrown into the fray by their superiors, and are trained at the expense of companies which, in addition to paying the auditing firm, finding themselves in the position of having to teach the Auditors their job.
• is a partner of Eura Audit International, a Paris-based association of auditing firms which is ranked 14th worldwide, and which has a presence in over 250 cities in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, with a network of 600 qualified Partners.




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